Monday, June 1, 2009

Announcing Prequels for COS

Where have I been?
Writing of course!

News for die-hard Chest of Souls fans: There will be prequels - now that the main series is as finished as it's going to get without help from an agent/publishing house. 

More information to come on the prequels as things rush ahead.

For now, I'm currently up to my eyebrows in a stand-alone Sci-Fi and when I'm looking for a change of pace, I fiddle with a different series - or two.

Note (made in 10-2011):
The series this post talks about was COS in its ORIGINAL form – which, to my dismay, would become a 100+ rejection slip wonder (I stopped counting after 100). In a nutshell, the story got shelved as did the stand-alone Science Fiction mentioned.

I still believed in my stories, but was disheartened. In light of 100+ rejections, it’s apparent nothing was ready for publication. It was back to step one: Dream.

I used the basic outline from COS to create a new story.  Characters/plot/storylines were torn apart and rewritten so one book became a trilogy that morphed into nine books.

Recently, COS Book 1 received a Reader's Favorite Award. 

Writing is my passion and since I'm addicted to the written word, I will continue. I'm also taking an e-course from Leslie Householder (author of Jack Rabbit Factor: Why You Can) with the idea of making the information I learn a part of my successful life.

1 comment:

Ronda Gibb Hinrichsen said...

Long time no read! Hey, Michelle, head on over to my blog, I've given you an award with a "tag." Have fun.